How many skilled trades are there in Ontario.

There are 144 recognized skilled trades in Ontario. You can see the list on the Skilled Trades Ontario website.


As an apprentice you earn while you learn.  Will I get paid as an OYAP student?

No.  There is no obligation for an employer to pay an OYAP student.  Instead you get an amazing learning experience that counts as credits toward your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).


Do the hours that I work in my co-op placement count towards my apprenticeship?

Yes they do!  It’s always a good idea to keep track of the hours you work and also ask your employer for a letter to verify on company letterhead.


Who do I talk to if I want to find out more about OYAP?

Teachers in the Cooperative Education Department and Guidance Counsellors in your school will be able to help you plan an OYAP pathway in your grade 11 and 12 years.


When should I apply for the Accelerated OYAP?

Students should plan to apply in the spring of their grade 11 year. This is a highly competitive opportunity, and it is important to plan ahead. Interested students should meet with their Guidance Counsellor to build a skilled trades timetable and to ensure that they have all the courses required to enter the Accelerated program in the second semester of their grade 12 year.